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You need to connect several integrations - evaluate
System Version - OS You need to connect several wayforapy integrations - now you can only 1 How many hours is this? You also need to immediately ev...
8 replies
15.10.2021, 19:31
OS: Refinement by action
Previously, I ordered and paid for the creation of the "Create payment link in WAYFORPAY" action, but found that it was missing a few det...
17 replies
Rate - link to payment wayforpay
It is necessary to refine the action "Generate a link to payment" Where would it be possible to specify 3 settings 1. From which field to...
10 replies
13.07.2021, 15:51
OS: Wayforpay billing via API
Good afternoon! I noticed that the WayForPay resource works only in the context of OneBox itself, that is, to receive payments when there is exactl...
1 answer
05.07.2021, 11:58
Integration with WayForPay
There was a task 2015142960 It included a refinement of integration with WayForPay Now when sending a payment link indicating the order id and paym...
1 answer
24.05.2021, 17:04
WayforaPay - shows one amount creates payment for another
For example order https://vzutik.crm-onebox.com/admin/customorder/droperi/324749/edit/ It is worth setting up in your account so that the amount pa...
6 replies
26.04.2021, 21:57
Way for pay - error while creating (first time)
The payment block is displayed in the personal account The first time you click on "Pay" get like this and then if you do like this Se...
6 replies
08.04.2021, 10:25
WayforPay - settings in the account do not work
Here is the setting https://vzutik.crm-onebox.com/admin/shop/boxclient/8/interface/?workflowid=75 When I specify the choice setting where to make ...
3 answer
27.11.2020, 13:01
Good afternoon, we have connected the WAYFORPAY integration, but we do not see any automatic actions for transferring payments, and there are no vi...

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