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Search results for query #аналітика

2 answer
18.03.2024, 11:32
What is happening to the IT analytics market? Survey AIN.UA
Greeting! I am from the AIN.UA team. Together with Genesis, we are preparing a large report on the field of analytics in Ukrainian IT. And to explo...
4 answer
08.03.2023, 10:59
Error adding code to head
We configure tracking of conversions, their transfer to Google Analytics, through events in the tag manager, for this I try to connect it by insert...
1 answer
I can change the format as well as possible in the sound of the surcharge
- Here we have adjusted the format of digits with spaces, For example, like here https://prnt.sc/tXhBRKClnFoR, more visually it’s not easy
10 replies
Adding export to google sheets
Є automation that allows you to export processes. What will be the price of additional processing, when will it be possible to export the serial nu...

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