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Search results for query #автоматизация заказов

9 replies
24.01.2022, 13:47
problem with correcting data in the field
There is a process https://etg.crm-onebox.com/admin/customorder/order/38743/edit/ In the field "Order number 1c" the following happens: ...
10 replies
24.01.2022, 13:00
Urgently ! 500 error in orders
Orders started coming in without status and when you try to enter - 500 https://ppikc.crm-onebox.com/412361/
Variable access
How to access customorder_fiskalniychek4 variable through public function ...() procedure in XShopOrder.class.php file
2 answer
06.01.2022, 16:56
Pledge to come with a delay for a post
https://cabinet.plitka.kiev.ua With a great zatrimkoy (dekіlka year) come to boxing from the mail. For butt https://cabinet.plitka.kiev.ua/admin/sh...
5 replies
12.11.2021, 16:30
Terminovo! charm bug
https://orc-test.kiev.ua/admin/customorder/order/12792/edit/ What is the engagement? What is the new status? Why were some of the goods taken to th...
orders not closed
hello, either the filter does not work or the orders are not closed for test order: https://box.dobroznak.com/admin/customorder/order/20145/edit/
7 replies
Personal license
10.08.2021, 19:24
when trying to change the order client, it automatically returns to the previous one
example https://kolchuga.work/admin/customorder/test/22954/edit/ changed the client to myself, the comments show that it immediately returns to the...
How to robiti shob in the order, the warehouse is automatically selected in the fallow
How to robiti shob in the order? warehouse for writing off the goods https://prnt.sc/v0ix0f automatically selected in fallow Vіn pіdyaguєtsya in th...
1 answer
06.10.2020, 12:38
automatic order processing
There is a client, he has: sales of food for dogs and cats. Orders are accepted in viber, orders are recorded in Google tables, warehouse records a...

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