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8 replies
19.01.2021, 11:26
Doesn't go to stage
In the task http://ukrpromspec.onebox-system.com/admin/customorder/zakaz-v-workote/126969/ed... nothing happens when you go to the stage. The task...
6 replies
25.11.2020, 09:51
transition to the stage only on the day of process creation
Hello, how to set up the system so that you can go to a certain stage only on the day the process is created? The situation is such that on the day...
4 answer
30.09.2020, 13:12
This is the third time I'm creating a question because you always mark it as solved!
This is the third time I'm creating a question because you always mark it as solved! When setting up at the stage http://crm.adparts.com.ua/adm...
4 answer
Action Switch milestone when milestone expires
How often the activity tries to switch the stage. and is it possible to set a repetition on an unsuccessful attempt
8 replies
02.09.2020, 17:02
Failed transition to a new stage of BP
Repeatedly encountered failures in the transitions to the stages of the BP. Previously, the issue was resolved quickly through oneboxsupport / ther...
2014815367 - Add to the comment information about the stage at which it was left
Now it is possible to display information about the stage at which it was left in the comments of the process. To do this, in the settings of the C...

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