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Search results for query #статус новой почты

3 answer
27.01.2021, 12:11
Status New mail
Good afternoon! I understand that a New Status has appeared on the new mail, but it is not in automatic action. Please add it. I'm attaching sc...
2 answer
23.12.2020, 19:36
Boxing does not see a change in the status of new mail
When sending from Kyiv to Kyiv with the integration of new mail, the box does not display the status change in the general table and does not switc...
7 replies
Personal license
10.12.2020, 17:14
Stages do not switch automatically to the "Move process to this stage, so that the stage of the new mail is changed"
At the stage, there is the option "Transfer the process to the next stage, as if the stage of the new one has been changed", but the inst...
1 answer
03.12.2020, 15:48
Nova Poshta automation stopped working
Hello! Just now I noticed that since yesterday, automation did not work on part of the orders. Here is one example https://our-store.com.ua/admin/c...
1 answer
New mail integration: no longer switching statuses
The stages of the process are no longer switched automatically from changing the status of the TTN. We didn't change anything. why is this happ...
6 replies
New mail status
Please tell me there are actions to switch the status of the task if the status of the new mail has changed, except for the action "Move the b...

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