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Search results for query #передача

2 answer
28.07.2023, 12:58
Process exchange between two systems
Good day! Process transfer between 2 systems is configured. https://luxshina.ua/ https://box1.luxshina.ua/Automation once per hour, action "Import ...
1 answer
20.07.2023, 12:56
Exchange of processes between two OneBoxes, processes are partially transferred.
Process transfer between 2 systems is configured. Automation once an hour, action "Import processes from another Box" The problem is that the order...
6 replies
23.09.2022, 18:13
Transfer to NADAVI Ukrainian version of products
https://luxshina.ua/ The butt of the product as it is transferred at once https://luxshina.ua/media/export/4.xml Sending "Export products in ...
10 replies
26.08.2020, 21:45
Integration with Infusionsoft
The integration with Infusionsoft has fallen off, leads from Infusionsoft have stopped coming to vanbox. IP settings checked - all good. Where to dig?

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