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Search results for query #нова пошта ттн

6 replies
Oneboxconsulting (интегратор)
16.12.2020, 16:31
fix the work of the block "Parameters of TTN New mail" (the selected branch is lost)
when switching stages actively with simultaneous scrolling of the page, the user at some point flies the selected branch of the new mail. here is a...
1 answer
15.12.2020, 14:00
how to make a field or a checkmark in the order so that when creating a New Mail invoice, choose whom to send the parcel to, physical. person or firm.
how to make a field or a checkmark in the order so that when creating a New Mail invoice, choose whom to send the parcel to, physical. person or co...
Creation of ttn
Raptovo began to vibivat a pardon when a new post was made process https://quadrum.ua/admin/customorder/order/3356/invoice/#
9 replies
New mail
Good afternoon, the full name of the client and the phone number in the Recipient field have again ceased to be pulled up when creating the TTN of ...
Creation of ttn manually
In the parameter panel of the control panel, there is no automatic volumetric expansion based on dimensions. New mail Prom
7 replies
contact person when creating ttn new mail
all the time asks to create a contact person if the recipient is an organization https://prnt.sc/vhzpo2 Can this be replaced with something automatic?
1 answer
24.10.2020, 20:20
Nova mail - TTN was created at the wrong address (the parcel went to the wrong place)
Nova mail - TTN was created at the wrong address (the parcel went to the wrong place) Here is the order https://vzuto.crm-onebox.com/admin/customor...

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