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Search results for query #нова пошта ттн

6 replies
the third day does not see the status of TTN after taking money at the post office
already dozens of orders with taken overlays, but the status is still "pulling dobi ..." what happened?
3 answer
13.09.2021, 09:59
When creating a TTN, another address is pulled up
There is an order https://optmaster.crm-onebox.com/admin/customorder/order/28002/edit/ the address specified in the order is When you go to the ne...
Global search by returnable TN
Good afternoon. Tell me if I want to find a parcel for the return shipping method of Nova Poshta. So how can I set it up so that the global search ...
1 answer
02.08.2021, 13:10
TTN is not automatically created with payment control
Test process https://box.vals.net.ua/admin/customorder/order/23665/edit/ In the settings for integration with NP there are settings The field in ...
7 replies
21.07.2021, 10:12
When registering a TTN with 2 or more places, the application freezes
draw up TTN I set the parameters of each place of the parcel click save after which I see that the data has been entered, but the screen is gray an...
5 replies
07.07.2021, 09:29
Stopped entering TTN in the registries.
Stopped entering TTN in the registries. Before that, there were a couple of non-visits, for some reason. Yesterday, not one entered at all, and eve...
5 replies
CPM allows you to create 2 tons in one order
For example order https://practik.crm-onebox.com/admin/customorder/order/163874/edit/ Created 2 tanks with a difference of 1 second Despite the fa...
2 answer
10.04.2021, 16:48
HELP IS VERY URGENT!!! TTN Nova Poshta stopped generating
Hello! Today, without making any changes to the BP, TTN Nova Poshta has ceased to be created. Last night everything worked fine, but now it gives 2...
When creating a TTN of a new mail, with a non-cash form of payment, an error is generated, the EDRPUO code was not found
An error occurred when creating TTN, a user with this EDRPOU was not found, everything works correctly in the new mail account.
New mail invoice not being created
When creating an invoice, it gives an error An error has occurred. The selected recipient does not have the EDRPOU. Create a new Recipient or issue...

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