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Search results for query #наличие на складе

1 answer
17.08.2022, 12:47
Products in stock even though they are out of stock
Some products are in stock even though they are out of stock Here is an example. https://japanautoparts.1b.app/app/product/4/edit/ There is a check...
1 answer
21.06.2022, 11:16
Product availability.
Good afternoon! http://box.agro-him.com.ua/ We noticed a pattern, if you manually credit any position, then a mark appears that it is "In stoc...
Goods not counted in stock
There was a question for a couple of months, it was never solved https://crm-onebox.com/ru/support/stock/4739-pereschet-produktov-ne-rabotaet/ Tell...
2015698610 - Added a setting to the action "Export products in XML format (Rozetka.ua)"
For the automatic action once per hour "Export products in XML format (Rozetka.ua)", the setting "Use the presence of filters from w...
2 answer
02.09.2020, 16:37
Equipment rent
How can we record the rental of equipment for delivery (is this done through the BP and the reserve of goods is done or is it possible in some othe...
Availability relative to a specific warehouse
Now the availability in warehouses and the availability in the product card, depending on the availability in the warehouse, is checked for all war...
2015055162 - Improved the action “Set the availability of goods to the supplier from the additional field of the process product”
For the BP action “Set the availability of goods to the supplier from the additional field of the process product”, the setting “Ignore goods that ...

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