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Search results for query #импорт платежей

Monobnack integration not working
Here is the integration Token received as needed https://tradework.com.ua/admin/shop/integrations/monobank-integration-4/control/ Here is the actio...
7 replies
19.01.2022, 10:27
Import payments from comments
There is a test order https://odessa-fashion.crm-onebox.com/147/ In the comments file with payments. At the stage "File upload" there is ...
10 replies
18.10.2021, 13:25
Stopped importing payments
https://farys.crm-onebox.com/ Hello. For 3-4 days, payments from Privat24 have ceased to be imported. Everything worked before. Recreated the merch...
1 answer
Payment Downloader [evaluate]
We now have the ability to download payments via ftp, but there is no possibility to download payments from excel or csv (like products/contacts/pr...
28 replies
19.08.2021, 13:17
Improvement on the import of payments
Is it possible to do a similar action "Integration of XML Payments (Import)" for the stage that will be triggered when switching / saving...
1 answer
19.08.2021, 13:11
Improvement on the import of payments
Guys, I have a question. I need to collect bank statements from excel file You need to do a similar action Integration of payments XML (Import) onl...
1 answer
25.01.2021, 14:29
CSV payment integration (Import)
Good day! Inquiry on the import of payments. Bulo vikonano the next sequence will come: 1. Payments were imported from the .csv file - payments wer...
1 answer
Import payments via CSV_display add. fields of finance
Client action Integration of payments CSV (Import) - loads payments. To correctly link the payment and exclude duplicates, a link is made to the un...
2015187937 - Improvement of the “Integrate XML Payments (Import)” action
For automatic action once per hour “Integration of payments XML (Import)”, the ability to select several additional fields for importing payments h...
2014484443 - Uniqueness Check in Action: “Integrate CSV Payments (Import)”
In the action “Integration of CSV payments (Import)”, the setting has been improved that checks payments by code and comment, and if it finds one i...

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