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Search results for query #вычислить и записать значение в дополнительное поле

8 replies
Oneboxconsulting (интегратор)
12.08.2021, 09:51
finalize the action "Calculate and write the value in the additional field if the conditions are met" (obtaining the maximum, minimum values for the additional fields of the process products)
it is necessary in the action "Calculate and write the value in an additional field if the conditions are met" to refine the possibility ...
2 answer
21.07.2021, 14:22
The action Calculate and write the value to the additional field does not work correctly if the conditions are met
In the test procedure https://crm.hlr.ua/admin/shop/workflow/110/procedure/163/?status=0, the action Calculate and write the value in an additional...
3 answer
09.07.2021, 14:36
The action Calculate and write the value to the additional field does not work if the conditions are met
There is an action https://optmaster.crm-onebox.com/admin/shop/workflowstatus/156/action/new/ It is configured to check the value of the additional...
2015811761 - Improved the functionality of the action "Calculate and write the value in an additional field if the conditions are met"
For the action "Calculate and write the value in an additional field if the conditions are met" the field "Weight of the package Nov...
7 replies
27.05.2021, 17:02
Action advice Calculate and write a value to an additional field if the conditions are met
There is an action Calculate and write a value to an additional field if the conditions are met You can add the Weight for IR field to it in the co...
19 replies
27.04.2021, 17:43
Question about the action "Calculate and write a value to an additional field if the conditions are met"
Good afternoon! Please help, I spent a lot of time and did not figure out how to properly configure this action. I tried both with functions and th...
6 replies
19.04.2021, 18:57
Calculate and write the value to the additional field if the conditions are met
Action "Calculate and write a value to an additional field if the conditions are met." Prompt by what action it is possible to write down...
1 answer
05.02.2021, 20:56
Calculate and write the value to the additional field if the conditions are met
Can you tell me how to use the "interval" condition in this action? What should be written in the "field value" if I have an in...
2015707945 - Added a variable to the action "Calculate and write a value to an additional field if conditions are met"
For the BP action "Calculate and write the value in an additional field if the conditions are met" a field and a variable are added [orde...
2015698511 - Improved the functionality of the action "Calculate and write the value in an additional field"
A variable has been added for the "Calculate and write value to an additional field" action: [finance_account_in_x] - Amount of incoming ...

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