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Search results for query #блок подпроцессов

28 replies
16.08.2021, 12:26
Block subprocesses evaluate grouping by additional fields of processes
Good afternoon. Please evaluate the revision to the block of subprocesses Add grouping settings by additional field to several levels. That is, th...
2 answer
30.07.2021, 16:41
Refinement score
Good afternoon! Please evaluate the improvement for the "Block of subprocesses" in the interface. Now the process status is displayed lik...
1 answer
16.07.2021, 19:28
OS - Subprocess Block - Non-Functional Elements
Can you tell me how to remove unnecessary block elements? We want to completely clear the table to display only what is needed for work - informati...
4 answer
16.07.2021, 19:22
OS - Block of subprocesses - Mouse hover
Please add so that when you hover over a construction site, a "hand" appears, as when you hover over a link. The line is clickable.
3 answer
16.07.2021, 19:20
OS - Subprocess Block - Centering
This trouble stretches back from the early versions of boxing in the Subprocess Block. 1. It is not clear what the centering of the columns is. Cen...
2 answer
22.04.2021, 17:38
Blocks with processes
Please add convenience and improvements to the process block. 1. Please add some kind of hover when hovering over a line in the business process bl...
1 answer
21.03.2021, 21:08
Bug: Block of subprocesses
https://box.ergoglass.md/admin/customorder/zadachi/1521/edit/ The block of subprocesses is not hidden, although there is a checkbox. Did we do some...
1 answer
21.03.2021, 09:25
Line highlighting in the subprocesses block
Tell me, is it possible to highlight the processes in the block of subprocesses that are "open"? If there is no such option now, can it b...
3 answer
17.03.2021, 11:31
The highlighting of the line of the Block of subprocesses of the process interface flies
Good afternoon! In the subprocesses block in the line highlight settings, when the 3rd highlight value is saved, the previous value flies. That is...
2015722452 - Added output setting to "Subprocess block"
For the "Block of subprocesses" of the process interface, the "Hide the block when there is no information" checkbox has been a...

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