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Component «Products»

from OneBox #

How it works «Products» #

Products in terms of OneBox is your base of products and/or services. Nomenclature of your enterprise.

The app allows to manage your product base, create additional fields for products, assign them to brands, categories, create description, search, filter etc.

Once you install this app, you'll be able to add products from your nomenclature in your orders (projects, tasks, processes). Any process can be converted in process, project and others in such a way.

Cloud pricing for data and applications

1.99 USD per 1000 contacts

Cloud pricing per user

There is no additional charge. You only pay per OneBox user.

Boxed solution (on-site)

There is no additional charge. You only pay per OneBox user.

Screenshots «Products» #

Available Platforms «Products» #

Application Products available on Android
Available on Android
Application Products available on iOS
Available on iOS
Application Products available in the Cloud
Available in the Cloud
Application Products available on my server
Available on my server
Application Products customizable

Reviews and discussions component «Products» forum #

0 replies
06.05.2024, 10:33
When deleting products from one category, all are deleted
Hello. In the category https://cabinet.tehnolavka.com.ua/app/product/?categoryid=36173 I select all products and click delete. But for some reason ...
0 replies
03.03.2024, 15:02
Product availability fluctuates with each price recalculation
The product has a supplier selected, but the supplier's price and retail price are not indicated, while the In stock from supplier checkbox is acti...
0 replies
21.02.2024, 11:10
The "Not analog" checkbox does not work.
In the list of analogues there is a checkbox “Not analogous”, which means that this product is not analogue in the opposite direction. This way we ...
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02.02.2024, 07:21
How can product categories and/or suppliers not be set to "vendor availability" in a product?
Tell me how to not set “supplier availability” for certain categories of products and/or for certain suppliers, that is, the checkbox should be unc...
0 replies
Boxing increases the size of product photos by 10,,,20 times
https://lums.crm-onebox.com/app/product/717/edit/ here is an example of a product the first photo 200kb JPG is uploaded to the product card https:/...
Changes in product cost calculation
We import mobile accessories from China, so the delivery of 1 unit may be equal to the purchase price of the product. Moreover, the cost of deliver...
0 replies
CEO, owwa.com.ua
04.11.2023, 18:40
Bug, more than 100,000 extra products were created in the box
Good day, Yesterday there were about 55,000 products in the database, today there are already 160,000 of them. A big request to correct this situa...
0 replies
19.10.2023, 09:38
Error in product name in order
Good afternoon We have a product "Antibur'yan" which in the order for some reason looks like "Antibur&039;yan 100 ml" As I understand it, there...
0 replies
16.10.2023, 10:24
Product photos
Good afternoon I have a few questions about the product photo: 1. Background We want to upload photos without background into the box and then uplo...
0 replies
04.09.2023, 13:48
Incorrectly imported article from Opencart
There are leading zeros in the article number. The article is imported into the box without zeros. Please correct, because the article can be not...