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Component «Prom.ua (xls)»

from OneBox #

How it works «Prom.ua (xls)» #

It allows to do import of products and services to Prom.ua portal in XLS format. 

To create a file, you need to configure an hourly automatic action "PromUA / Export of products in XLS format". You need to fill in the "Name" field in the app settings, under which the import will be performed.

Cloud pricing for data and applications

There is no additional charge

Cloud pricing per user

There is no additional charge. You only pay per OneBox user.

Boxed solution (on-site)

There is no additional charge. You only pay per OneBox user.

Screenshots «Prom.ua (xls)» #

Available Platforms «Prom.ua (xls)» #

Application Prom.ua (xls) available in the Cloud
Available in the Cloud
Application Prom.ua (xls) available on my server
Available on my server
Application Prom.ua (xls) customizable

Reviews and discussions component «Prom.ua (xls)» forum #

1 answer
20.01.2024, 09:37
Upload the goods to the "Price platform"
Tell me, where can I find functionality in the product card for including it in a certain prepared price platform? Is it possible to somehow see in...
1 answer
19.07.2023, 00:11
Hello, I made an order, they said to wait, I'm waiting for the second day already, the number does not come, what should I do in such a situation?
export of goods for industrial
it is necessary that the goods that have the same article and brand and differ only in the year (it is registered in the filter) and possibly the p...
export of goods
how to make sure that when exporting goods, the values ​​in the fields are replaced? for example, there is a "tire diameter" filter and the value R...
incorrectly transfers the remaining goods to prom
https://lums.crm-onebox.com/app/automatization/hour/edit/ https://lums.crm-onebox.com/app/product/?mode=list&filterarticul=8417&ca... It ...
4 answer
Export file OneBox - Prom. File ERROR
Good day. 3 screenshots of the problem are attached. Since yesterday, the file for transfer to Prom has not been created. What have you done since ...
1 answer
not loading
not uploading files with links to photos
1 answer
I remove the main folder so that there are only subfolders for uploading to the prom, but it loads the main folder all the same
I remove the main folder so that there are only subfolders for uploading to the prom, but it loads the main folder 0991999432
3 answer
26.09.2022, 14:14
The upload file on Prom is not formed and updated
The upload file on Prom is not formed and updated Box https://omg.1b.app Actions installed and configured. It used to work, but for some reason it ...
6 replies
Error exporting products to XLS
When the checkbox "In the presence column, everything except 0 and - on!" the presence is still unloaded with the "+" symbol. I...