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Ливадов Костянтин Дмитрович

Questions and answers on the forum

View all user questions and answers Ливадов Костянтин Дмитрович
1 answer
Automatically calculate the frequency of processes in an additional client field
Good afternoon. Is it possible to get instructions on how to correctly configure "Automatically calculate process frequency in additional client f...
Problem with displaying errors with warehouse operations
Previously, when moved or written off, a full-price error was displayed about which of the products had problems. "This product is not enough in th...
Click the button to follow the link
The function to follow the link does not work. The link is either copied to all keys of the block, or deleted from the field. But the link does not...
Several business processes
Tell me, is it possible to place an order in different business processes depending on the client's choice? Can multiple Makeorder blocks normally ...
We need an up-to-date instruction
It is not clear how Productlist works. Everything is done according to the existing instructions, but when switching to the Productlist, instead of...
Excessive compression of photos
When uploading photos to OneBox, the photos lose quality. The weight of the original is 774 KB Weight after download 142Kb Is it possible to fix...
Refinement of integration
It is necessary to make in the integration modules: 1. Add the option of selecting availability from a certain warehouse from the system, or severa...
Automation "Export of goods to Khorosop" has disappeared
The possibility of exporting goods to Khorozhop has completely disappeared. Will this opportunity arise again?
How to sort the dropdown list taken from the directory? Basic sorting by id is not always convenient.