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1 answer
today, 14:04
How to pass a product when an event is executed
When creating a product, updating or updating stock balances, you need to send this information to the url address. How is this possible?
Finalization of Checkbox fiscalization
Good day! Such a question We have the following service processes https://kiyservice.1b.app/97429/ it is used to repair household appliances but so...
2 answer
yesterday, 12:03
It is necessary to change the base currency of the system to USD
Good day. Please change the base currency of the https://muk-training.1b.app system to USD Thanks in advance!
Creating a process for each product separately
Good day! Process example https://kiyservice.1b.app/97229/ it contains 4 products I need to create a separate subprocess for each product Tell me w...
1 answer
10.05.2024, friday, 17:09
Doesn't work Hourly
Good afternoon. After the renewal today, the Hourly module stopped working. the money was withdrawn, everything lasted, but it doesn’t work in boxi...
4 answer
10.05.2024, friday, 13:06
Managers and service stopped seeing attachments
From today, the Managers and service groups stopped seeing attachments in the order header. process example https://tcbs.crm-onebox.com/60015/ Ther...
3 answer
10.05.2024, friday, 11:00
Creating an order.
I create an order using the API. Data used to create an order: [{:name=>"test", :workflowid=>1, :statusid=>1, :productinfo=>{:id=>1, :findbyArray=>...
3 answer
09.05.2024, thursday, 19:59
Does not work
There are no instructions, the tick method did not help. It's sad here.
3 answer
08.05.2024, wednesday, 22:24
The input price in the process and in the journal is different
In the warehouse there are items purchased at different times at different prices. After moving positions from one warehouse to another, we have th...
5 replies
08.05.2024, wednesday, 20:40
Switch to OS
Good afternoon, we have OneBox MVP (boxed version) on a third-party server, how to switch to the OS and what server parameters are required