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2 answer
21.02.2024, 13:58
Bug fixes
It is necessary to fix the bugs in the paid box of the client. In particular: 1. CPU load is more than 300% https://prnt.sc/7cn0jJO_TBtT 2. Duplica...
0 replies
21.02.2024, 11:10
The "Not analog" checkbox does not work.
In the list of analogues there is a checkbox “Not analogous”, which means that this product is not analogue in the opposite direction. This way we ...
1 answer
20.02.2024, 17:07
How to automatically recalculate the price for one product?
Good afternoon Please tell me how to set up a markup for only one product from a supplier? For example: there is a supplier with 1000 products (I c...
1 answer
20.02.2024, 14:17
Processes on control
Good afternoon. Please tell me how to display information about the client and perhaps some other fields instead of the name of the business entity
BUG!! Cron automation stopped working
TTNs themselves are not created through automation, orders from Prom are not coming in, we’ve been waiting for an hour. Look what the problem is ht...
4 answer
19.02.2024, 13:54
When entering the "Ukrposhta create delivery" tab, it gives error 500
For 2-3 days now, when entering the ../ukrposhtainvoice/ tab of the "Ukrposhta create delivery" process, it gives error 500. Ukrposhta's API suppo...
5 replies
CEO, owwa.com.ua
19.02.2024, 10:46
The amount of the process with a discount text in the document
Good afternoon, it is necessary to display the amount of the process with a discount in text in the document. Tried all the variables with text out...
0 replies
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
19.02.2024, 10:17
DAY SEVEN. CRM course - together with you, we will turn CRM implementation into an immediately exciting adventure
DAY SEVEN. PLAY. Play with the child for 10 minutes. Immerse yourself in a state of magical exploration that is so natural to children. Greg McKe...
1 answer
19.02.2024, 09:54
BAG. When importing products with the same article number but different brands.
When importing products with the same article number but different brands, instead of creating a new one, the existing product in BOX is overwritte...
0 replies
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
17.02.2024, 19:23
CRM course - DAY SEVEN. Let's turn CRM implementation with you into an immediately exciting adventure
DAY SEVEN. PLAY. Play with the child for 10 minutes. Immerse yourself in a state of magical exploration that is so natural to children. Greg McKe...