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2 answer
04.05.2023, 15:41
it is necessary to be able to add an observer in the mass editing of processes
Good day. Now you can see the process only if you - the author - responsible - an observer We also have users who need to add permission to process...
3 answer
07.05.2023, 18:33
Clean server (run out of disk space)
https://crm.meblevakimnata.ua/ Unable to login, error: Uncaught exception 'ConnectionManager_Exception' with message 'Cannot connect to database: C...
4 answer
Add a button with an action
Is it possible to add custom buttons in the business process designer and assign actions to them? By the type of how it is implemented for transiti...
Problem with order filters
In the order section, filters by stages in the selected business process no longer work. For example, in the screenshot attached below, I have the ...
2015968960 - Added settings to the product search block
The setting "When calculating the expected product quantity, do not take the quantity of the related product of the client process" has b...
2015967742 - Added setting to "Return process content to warehouse" action
For the action "Return process contents to warehouse" added the setting "If the parent process is returned, before returning, set al...
2015969229 - Added setting to the action "Check the existence of the process on the schedule date"
For the action "Check for the existence of a process by the schedule date" added the setting "Filter the intersection of the date ra...
2015967183 - Added the ability to prohibit editing the universal block
Added an option to prohibit editing of all fields of the universal block depending on the value of the additional field.
2015968894 - Added automatic action once per day
Added a new automatic action once a day "Periodically change the selling price of products with a given step".
2015969395 - Added settings to the "Production" action
"Ignore additional fields when writing off materials" setting has been added to the "Production" action.