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2015004188 - Improved integration with InTime
For the InTime invoice, the Postpaid block has been improved, where you can set: - the amount to be paid; - postpaid payer; - payment type
2015030616 - Improved API transfer action, adding external id fields, boxing API methods
1. An external id field has been added to legal entities so that you can specify an id for exchanging with an external system 2. In the action “Sub...
2015031144 - Improved variable for price tag templates
There are Product price variables in the box that take into account the price of the product, new variables have been improved that work the same w...
2015007517 - Added action “Remove product association to an additional category after a specified time”
Improved new automatic action "Remove product binding to an additional category after a specified time". Once a day, the action looks thr...
2015031637 - Improved automatic action “Add supplier records for products of selected categories and brands”
Improved automatic action once a day “Add supplier records to products of selected categories and brands”, which clears the specified list of produ...
2015014908 - Added additional field type “File”
For additional warehouse fields, the “file” field type has been improved
2015030146 - Added movement of integration fields with Tilda and Flexbe
Fields: business process, responsible id, an additional field where to write the source form id moved from the Documents: print settings settings t...
2015031145 - Added the Cell field to the export of balances by warehouses
The field “Cell” has been added to the export of balances by warehouses
2015032631 - Improved warehouse selection in the order
Now it is possible to select any warehouse in the process product table, for this, in the process product table setting, next to the warehouse fiel...
2015030773 - Improvement of the action “Pass process to API”
A field has been added for the "Submit process to API" action that allows you to transfer the value of the external process id from an ad...