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2 answer
CEO, owwa.com.ua
28.07.2023, 12:17
Contact person when creating TTN
Good day, Please let me know if the contact person for whom the power of attorney has been issued is indicated in the settings of the NP office. Bu...
1 answer
28.08.2023, 18:02
Formulas for searching and substituting under the name of all other data
I have a table that contains the first name, last name, department, code and date of employment of employees. I need to enter a formula in a separa...
6 replies
CEO, owwa.com.ua
28.08.2023, 11:29
How to get product passports?
Congratulations, We have products to which passports have been added - in fact, a set of products that make up the set, how can you get a list of t...
Distribution of statements
Good afternoon, please tell me how to correctly configure the automatic distribution of bank statements, in the automation settings, the statement ...
6 replies
21.07.2023, 10:07
TOR for finalizing the block of subprocesses
I ask you to determine the possibility and evaluate this TOR for finalizing the block of subprocesses - displaying in this {block of subprocesses }...
5 replies
Інтегратор OneBox
Personal license
27.02.2023, 08:51
The reserve is not removed from the warehouse
Good afternoon Reserves are not removed during the shipment and sale of goods from the warehouse Example process https://arp.1b.app/4781/ The BP is...
5 replies
Інтегратор OneBox
Personal license
24.07.2023, 14:31
% error between the order amount and the payment amount
Good day! In the Checkbox settings, the condition "% error between the order amount and the payment amount, at which to transfer the payment for th...
2 answer
04.05.2023, 15:47
cleaning exported files does not work
Good afternoon. Questions about the "Delete old files" automation. Fixed deleting export files. Delete exported files created more than: 7 days ago...
12 replies
23.05.2023, 22:21
Copy data and settings from one 1box to another
It is necessary to copy all data and settings from https://mobicase.biz/admin/ to https://mobicasebox.1b.app/ The existing data in https://mobicase...
4 answer
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
24.08.2023, 11:21
Change the main currency from hryvnia to zloty
Here in this project https://iivancom.1b.app/32/ Please change the main currency.