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3 answer
10.05.2023, 16:34
Operation of the PROCESS STRUCTURE block
Please make sure that the block does not disappear completely when the flag is in the OFF state, and in the absence of open processes. Now the s...
5 replies
10.05.2023, 11:05
Product name in different languages in the order
Hello. Now the order is loaded with goods only in Russian, even if I choose the boxing interface in Ukrainian. How to add the product name to the o...
5 replies
08.05.2023, 23:00
I ask you to correct the field "Department" in the interface block "Parameters of TTN"
Guys, tell me, can I correct the field "Department" in the interface block "Parameters of TTN"? Now, in order to select a branch, you need to press...
1 answer
Where can I get an account ID for making payments?
This option is required in settings. And where to take it? Account ID for making payments
Restriction on editing contacts
There was a problem, I put the contact group, position and checkbox, whether he is an employee, into a separate block. I put a restriction on this ...
2 answer
08.05.2023, 17:02
Error creating sender address
An error when creating a waybill in the Ukraposhta application, this is the case with all Ukraposhta waybills
4 answer
08.05.2023, 16:51
Integration stopped working.
Error 500
Field comparison conditions
The following question arose: how can you make it possible in the report designer so that there is not a logical "i" between two different conditio...
7 replies
error Opencart Cannot connect to database: Connection timed out
boxing stopped connecting to openkart. gives error Please help, where to dig? where is the problem in the box or on hosting? ...
4 answer
Add a button with an action
Is it possible to add custom buttons in the business process designer and assign actions to them? By the type of how it is implemented for transiti...