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1 answer
MVP does not work https://broadlink.com.ua/
MVP doesn't work. Individual pages load, but extremely slowly. It is almost impossible to take any action. The site is running slowly. Resetting th...
1 answer
10.12.2023, 22:50
How to display the "product_model" value imported from OpenCart in the process products table?
From the opencart-action-import-orders-....log it is clear that the values ​​of the “product_model” and “product_option_value” keys are transferred...
4 answer
07.12.2023, 13:01
missing account chat message sent via "send to >> echat"
Good afternoon, messages were sent via "send to >> echat" Integration with echat does not work, this sent message does not appear to the user to co...
6 replies
07.12.2023, 14:49
if the file is in a van box and we send it via e-chat, is it possible for the file to arrive as well as the image from viber (not via link)?
Good day. If we send a file with xls format from van box through the integration of e-chat to the client's contact in Viber, is it possible for the...
9 replies
Integration with Nova Poshta Logistics
The client works with the delivery of orders with Nova Poshta logistics, stores the goods and ships them from the new mail, TTN is created on the n...
2 answer
Група активної реабілітації, Голова правління
08.12.2023, 09:44
Enlarge contact photo
Good day! We maintain a database of contacts with photos, you need to see the photo in full size and with the possibility of enlarging it without ...
Calculate the value according to the formula and write in the specified field how to add the change (name of the product in Ukrainian)
action - Calculate the value according to the formula and write it in the specified field... I can't find a variable in order to calculate the new ...
2 answer
07.12.2023, 15:28
please help, I need to make a concatenation of text additional fields and enter it in an additional field. how to do it in the procedure?
Good day. Please help, you need to concatenate additional text fields (combining values ​​from four additional fields) and enter it in the fifth ad...
23 answer
28.11.2023, 10:06
Krone does not have enough memory to run scripts
In the logs, it constantly shows a lack of memory when executing scripts on the daily crown: [2023-11-28 00:14:23] point: /var/www/core....sc/web1/...
1 answer
07.12.2023, 11:04
How to export provider XML?