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Describe the principle of operation of the action Distribute business processes on an employee by day

Интересует распределение процессов между сотрудниками и оптимизация работы?
В последней версии системы это доступно через: "Конструктор Бизнес-процессов" Установить последнюю версию системы
By what principle does boxing distribute tasks if you put the action "Distribute business processes on an employee by day"?
I set this action, but I can’t understand how it transfers tasks to another day, what is the principle?
set the action http://prntscr.com/un1pt6 indicated that the limit is 2 processes, created 10 test tasks, but the box distributed strangely http://prntscr.com/un21az
Original question is available on version: ru


Hello, the action was supposed to leave only 2 tasks for one day. Please make a new test and reset the link to the filtered tasks after distribution. Thanks
25.09.2020, 10:11
Original comment available on version: ru

Bodyako Dmitry Employee wrote:
Hello, the action was supposed to leave only 2 tasks for one day. Please make a new test and reset the link to the filtered tasks after distribution. Thanks

Good afternoon, I deleted the old tasks and created new ones, created in order 1, 2, 3 ...... 10, all tasks with a due date of 09/28, were created in a strange order, 4 tasks were scheduled for today and two each from Monday to Wednesday , but at the same time, their order confuses me on Monday after 2 tasks (9, 10) were created, and on Wednesday 5, 6. It seems to me that there should be some kind of logic when distributing either by date to complete before or by date of creation, but here there is no logic.
Link to task calendar https://crm.nspace.com.ua/dashboard/?filtermanagerid=768&filtershowprocess=&... %.
25.09.2020, 12:19
Original comment available on version: ru

Hello, I see the following picture at the specified link: https://prnt.sc/up3sb4 . Those. no tasks
28.09.2020, 10:37
Original comment available on version: ru

Now everything is distributed correctly.
29.09.2020, 11:52
Original comment available on version: ru

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