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Personal account, form setting does not work

There is a block
setting it up
I want to display the menu and the balance of the client's bonuses there, added the necessary blocks https://prnt.sc/viskn5
We chose the form https://prnt.sc/viskwe
But when we view the form, nothing changes.
Here is a link to form setup https://vzuto.crm-onebox.com/admin/forms/4/edit/
This is how she looks. no blocks https://prnt.sc/visl7u
Although in the old version of the system we could definitely display it there, since the menu was always there. Can you fix this or suggest where to configure the form interface?
Original question is available on version: ru


you see the form
you need to display the form menu item in your account and then when you go to it you will see what you have configured
15.11.2020, 09:58
Original comment available on version: ru

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