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One box does not work https://luxshina.ua/ error 400

Does one box https://luxshina.ua/ not work? error 400 asked a question about hosting, here is their answer:
Hello, Maksym Zachek
Code 400 means that the site could not process the request due to an error in the request itself. You need to contact the site developers about this.
Original question is available on version: ua


Good day. Maxim, the site is working - everything is fine there were no problems from our side. You have your own server, that is, this problem was directly with the server where the site is hosted. In the future, with such errors, I recommend contacting the hoster.
28.03.2022, 11:17
SHEBO Original comment available on version: ua

Knocks out 2 times in denb
31.03.2022, 11:23
Original comment available on version: ua

Maxim Aleksandrovych Zachek wrote:
Knocks out 2 times in denb

Maxim, this is a completely different problem that is not related to the 400 error, and I explained everything to you in detail over the phone
31.03.2022, 11:50
SHEBO Original comment available on version: ua

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