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Search results for query #фильтр процессов

2 answer
06.09.2022, 15:20
The process filter by Process Product Brand does not work
The list of brands is loaded in the Process Product Brand field in the filter. This issue only occurs with Group Order processes. This field in the...
1 answer
Filter "Show open/closed/all processes" does not work correctly
Here is an example here https://crm.phdcare.com.ua/app/workflowtype-order/ (Figure 1) If you select closed / open processes, then after the first ...
2015880266 - Process filter added
Added filter "Show only without subprocesses" in the list of processes
3 answer
02.04.2021, 09:50
Filter processes by the Client field
Good afternoon! When filtering processes by the client field, if we enter the client's mob, the box always displays the found contact and his c...
1 answer
17.03.2021, 10:50
Process filter by product
https://rozpakui.crm-onebox.com/admin/customorder/order/?searchLine= There is a filter by product name, but you cannot select 2 or more products Ho...
2 answer
Is it possible to filter out processes that have not passed a certain milestone?
Due to a OneBox bug, we messed up the process, and now we need to find orders in which the "Sale" of the product did not occur. You can h...
4 answer
Baza.cn.ua / Integrator (FOP Kupriyan)
25.08.2020, 12:43
There is no filter by delivery method in MP
Here https://baza.cn.ua/admin/shop/mobile/menu/block/settings/ It is not possible to select a delivery method for the process filter Well, somehow ...
2015563941 - Refinement of the process filter by brands
Improved process filter “Filter by processes relative to brands”
2015241750 - Added filter by processes with employee comments
Added filter for processes “Processes with employee comments” - allows you to sort processes in which the selected employee left comments

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