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6 replies
yesterday, 17:56
Syntax in the "formula" field
Is it possible to use arithmetic operations in the formula field? What is the correct syntax?
0 replies
CEO, owwa.com.ua
22.04.2024, 15:58
The report Customer balance, debutant debt is not displayed
Good day, The report does not open, the page is constantly loading and nothing happens https://owwa.crm-onebox.com/app/report/clientbalance/
The Reconciliation Act does not work correctly
There was such a problem, when setting up the Reconciliation Act report in the arrival of goods column, for some reason, data from processes where ...
3 answer
20.03.2024, 22:56
Please evaluate the finalization of the report
Congratulations! there is such a request, you need to make a report on sold products with grouping by an additional field should look something lik...
Report on products written off from warehouses
Is it possible to somehow make a report so that all products for which there was a warehouse write-off operation can be extracted? Select the time ...
3 answer
29.02.2024, 15:17
It is necessary to configure (finish) a custom report
Congratulations! there is such a request, you need to make a report on sold products with grouping by an additional field should look something lik...
1 answer
01.11.2023, 19:16
The report is not working correctly, bug.
Congratulations! There is a report https://crm.tryalia.com.ua/app/report/desiner/18/view/ It does not work correctly not because of the set...
0 replies
Personal license
26.10.2023, 15:00
Please rate the update for the report Client report (document template)
For the report Client report (document template) https://i.imgur.com/Pcrn3S9.png add the ability to filter data by company and its employees https:...
1 answer
Personal license
18.10.2023, 17:09
The reports app and the report designer are not displayed
The reports application and the report designer are not displayed on MAC OS Screen_1. If you display the link to the list of reports via the appl...
3 answer
28.09.2023, 16:58
Repeated request due to long answer
Congratulations! An application was created https://1b.app/ua/forum/reports-and-analytics/17649-otobrazhenie-simvolov-i-otku...

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