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Not working integration with turbosms

Do not force assistance for additional help, as it is installed on the procedure, if the process -shows that assistance has been sent , but at check you see a pardon and the additional data is not shown .So, when you choose a signature of a government official, the system has two identical signatures - one integration. Test process: https://brewelit.1b.app/263/
Yakshcho vіdravlyati z dodatka podomlennya https://brewelit.1b.app/app/sms-turbosms/ - integration spratsovuє. check shows Ok and client notifications are rejected and data is displayed in the turbosms account .
Can you suggest how to fix the administration to inform clients about the engagement process?
Original question is available on version: ru


Why do you need 2 identical signatures?
18.03.2022, 15:14
Original comment available on version: ru

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