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Weird server load

Good afternoon.
I know that you are not responsible for the server, but perhaps you can tell what loads the server?
The graph shows load jumps on the percent https://prnt.sc/yy4ii3 because of what they happen? Last night the box slowed down a lot, the hourly kroner did not work forcibly. Rebooting the server reduced the load, but did not eliminate the brakes. Now it seems to be working fine, but there is a load again
Original question is available on version: ru


Our system administrator visited your server, but did not find anything suspicious.
Unfortunately, we cannot say what caused such a jump.
11.02.2021, 15:53
Original comment available on version: ru

You can also update the software on the server (in particular, php c 5.4 -> 7+)
This can be done by our system administrator in 1 hour of revision.
11.02.2021, 16:19
Original comment available on version: ru

Tyndyk Maxim Vadimovich
Administrator wrote:
You can also update the software on the server (in particular, php c 5.4 -> 7+)
This can be done by our system administrator in 1 hour of revision.

Good. I'm waiting for a letter
Thanks for the answer
11.02.2021, 16:25
Original comment available on version: ru

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