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Evaluation and revision of the site redesign

Site/box chekhol.com.ua
TK with layout clarification https://docs.google.com/document/d/1aW-r6YyyiUthZvMVEPpy844fyLofBoDQaWM6OsLKMO8/...
Redesign layout https://www.figma.com/file/A5Ft6u0yexaq3FftTR6BVD/chekhol-(Copy)?type=design&...
You also need to calculate the cost of uploading such a design to a subdomain, for example dev.checkhol.com.ua, in order to test all the functionality before uploading.
If you have questions, please discuss this in advance before the assessment.
How many hours do you need to implement?
Original question is available on version: ru


Hello! we can also give an estimate if the client is on the OS and only the store is on the box. but roughly tomorrow or Saturday
25.05.2023, 18:21
Original comment available on version: ua

Site and box https://chekhol.com.ua/
As per layout https://www.figma.com/file/A5Ft6u0yexaq3FftTR6BVD/chekhol-(Copy)?type=design&...
It is necessary to evaluate the redesign of not the entire layout, but only individual items.
Header (header), menu, subcategories and categories in the drop-down list (this whole part is essentially Fig. 1 https://prnt.sc/27NiwAYa3l-1), product filter. Leave everything else in the same design as it is now.
How many hours are needed then for implementation?
30.06.2023, 17:35
Original comment available on version: ru

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