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OS: Permissions for Printing Labels

Guys, I need your help.
I can't understand what access rights should be given to the user in order to print price tags through the procedure and / or product card? Now this error is shown (look at the picture)
Here is a PSU - https://our-store.com.ua/34197/
Here is the name of the procedure "Article / Price 24x14"
Here is a link to the group https://our-store.com.ua/app/acl/aclgrouppermission/4/
Original question is available on version: ru


Hello. Go to permissions for the Documents app and give permission to print price tags. Due to the fact that there is no access to create a price tag, and it most likely knocks out an error
23.07.2021, 09:44
Original comment available on version: ru

OneBox production wrote:
Hello. Go to permissions for the Documents app and give permission to print price tags. Due to the fact that there is no access to create a price tag, and it most likely knocks out an error

Great, thank you! It just wasn't there before.
23.07.2021, 10:08
Original comment available on version: ru

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