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Technical support

How is support provided if the box does not work or gives 504 or 500 errors in the absence of paid support?
Original question is available on version: ru


Good afternoon!
If you have difficulty logging in - you create a topic on the forum. You are given an answer due to the inoperability of the system and in most cases the box is "raised" within the framework of the topic.
14.10.2020, 11:05
«Один юрист із портфелем у руках награбує більше, ніж банда автоматників» Original comment available on version: ru

the application must be created from the account to which your box is assigned or from the account of the company to which the system is assigned.
14.10.2020, 11:06
«Один юрист із портфелем у руках награбує більше, ніж банда автоматників» Original comment available on version: ru

Eugene, good afternoon!
Alexander Chizhik wrote correctly:
Any client can publicly create a topic on the forum and write what does not work for him.
Errors (namely, errors where an "error" is issued) we fix for free and as quickly as possible, since we are interested in everything working for everyone.
15.10.2020, 11:26
Как со мной связаться - никак :)
Задавайте вопросы на форуме публично - и я отвечу.
Подробнее - https://1b.app/ru/user/11/
Original comment available on version: ru

Please join the conversation. If you have something to say - please write a comment. You will need a mobile phone and an SMS code for identification to enter. Log in and comment