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Uploads an empty report to xls

Made a report https://crm.mebelok.com/admin/report/desiner/16/view/?order_fromfiltercustomdata... =&filter_order_id=0&filter_order_client=&filter_order_clientmanagerid=0&product_filtercustomtiptovara54=&filter_product_suppliercontactid=&templateid=&ok=%D0%A4%D0%B8%D0%BB%D1%8C%D1%82%D1%80%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0% B0%D1%82%D1%8C
Data output here
I click export to xls, an empty file is uploaded
Original question is available on version: ru https://qube-soft.com/ crm erp onebox qubesoft внедрение аналитика 1с интегратор


I have already somehow explained how the export from the report designer in XLS is formed - this is rendering the report table and inserting into XLS - it understands where and how to place the table by cells.
Why it does not work in this report is unfortunately not yet clear. The analysis takes a lot of time - I'll let you know how the result will be.
09.08.2021, 17:14
Original comment available on version: ru

Tyndyk Maxim Vadimovich
OneBox production wrote:
I have already somehow explained how the export from the report designer in XLS is formed - this is rendering the report table and inserting into XLS - it understands where and how to place the table by cells.
Why it does not work in this report is unfortunately not yet clear. The analysis takes a lot of time - I'll let you know how the result will be.

Well, no news?
22.08.2021, 09:08
https://qube-soft.com/ crm erp onebox qubesoft внедрение аналитика 1с интегратор Original comment available on version: ru

So far I can’t understand what exactly I don’t like - it’s like a table in a table ..
23.08.2021, 12:06
Original comment available on version: ru

Tyndyk Maxim Vadimovich
OneBox production
Administrator wrote:
So far I can’t understand what exactly I don’t like - it’s like a table in a table ..

Will there be any solution?
21.09.2021, 10:58
https://qube-soft.com/ crm erp onebox qubesoft внедрение аналитика 1с интегратор Original comment available on version: ru

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