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looking for instructions for building such a report

Hello. Please tell me, I need a report in the box:
1. Ability to select a period in the report by the date the process was created (from - to)
2. The ability to build a report on all responsible (we will provide a field name in the system), as well as select a responsible (several - multiple choice) and build a report on those selected.
3. Ability to build a report on all values of the additional field FIELD1 (we will provide the field name in the system), also select FIELD1 (we will provide the field name in the system) (several - multiple choice) and build a report on the selected values.
4. In the report, show the number of processes (ID BP will be provided additionally) in the context of:
column: ExtraField2 (provide the name of the field in the system)
line: AdditionalField3 (order.customorder_prichinaotkaza3)
5. To the right, after the columns of reasons for failures, display the column:
- TOTAL = count the sum of the values in the row.
- TARGET = we will provide the calculation
Original question is available on version: ru


Good afternoon
there is a report block in the dashboard called "Table of payment amounts and the number of processes in the specified statuses by employees"
which solves your problem 100%. You just need to set it up and that's it.
25.09.2020, 10:19
Original comment available on version: ru

Thank you, did you open the sample report? I think you didn’t quite understand the description, we don’t need to calculate the sums of additional fields, the sums are already the sum of the results of the preliminary report by the number of processes in the context of the accepted values of the additional fields ...
could not find it yet to see your solution, tell me the exact path and the exact name of the report, and is there an instruction for setting up the report "Table of payment amounts and the number of processes in the specified statuses by employees"?
25.09.2020, 15:24
Original comment available on version: ru

Poltorak Sergey
Client wrote:
Thank you, did you open the sample report? I think you didn’t quite understand the description, we don’t need to calculate the sums of additional fields, the sums are already the sum of the results of the preliminary report by the number of processes in the context of the accepted values of the additional fields ... I could not find it yet to see your solution, tell me the exact path and the exact name report and there is an instruction for setting up the report "Table of payment amounts and the number of processes in the specified statuses by employees"?

I wanted to offer you a solution based on what is without modifications
but for this I need formulas to understand whether it is solvable or not
08.10.2020, 01:15
Original comment available on version: ru

08.10.2020, 10:24
Original comment available on version: ru

Poltorak Sergey
Client wrote:
here https://box.webproduction.ua/client/order/2015652176/ formulas

Good evening
looked at the formulas
Yes, there is no such report.
its completion will take about 15 hours with filters
11.10.2020, 22:01
Original comment available on version: ru

Can you please tell me how much it costs now for 1 hour of revision?
12.10.2020, 14:59
Original comment available on version: ru

Poltorak Sergey
Client wrote:
Can you please tell me how much it costs now for 1 hour of revision?

12.10.2020, 15:51
Original comment available on version: ru

I understand - while we think, thanks
22.10.2020, 15:36
Original comment available on version: ru

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