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Prom.ua chat settings lost

Messages from clients from the Prom.ua chat do not come to Box. Screenshot of automation settings.
Original question is available on version: ru


The situation is as follows.
In "Automation" added the module "PromUA / receive client messages from PromUA as tasks".
In the settings, entered the data for the connection.
The status is lit with a green icon that says OK.
BUT messages from prom.ua (from registered prom users), from the product page, "DO NOT come." That is, "Tasks" are not created in OneBox
15.11.2021, 15:20
Original comment available on version: ru

Maybe you don't have messages to import? It's also possible that the client's phone number doesn't arrive and such messages are skipped.
Can you indicate where you configured this action for a more detailed answer?
17.11.2021, 18:25
Original comment available on version: ru

The setting was done in the "Automation" module. Automatic once a minute
18.11.2021, 17:39
Original comment available on version: ru

All available messages received and available as processes &filtercomments=&filtercdatefrom=&filtercdateto=&filterdelivery=&filterpayment=&filterpriority=&contractorsid=&filterauthorid=&filterproject=&filterproductname=&filterproductid=&filtercode1c=&filterdatetofrom=&filterdatetoto=&filterdateplanfrom=&filterdateplanto=&filtertags=&filterorderemployerid=&filteremployerid%5B%5D=&filtersourceid%5B%5D=21&filterutm= &ok=1
18.11.2021, 17:48
Original comment available on version: ru

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