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Question about licenses

Now we have purchased 4 licenses on the supero.crm-onebox.com domain. Is there a need to connect 1-2 licenses seasonally (for a month or two)?
What options do we have in this case? - Is it possible to rent additional short-term licenses?
Original question is available on version: ru


Good afternoon, Vasily!
Yes, you can.
There was already a similar topic - https://crm-onebox.com/ru/support/onebox-purchase-and-rates/3882-vopros-po-dalne...
You can connect individually, in multiples of months.
$25/user/month or $250/user/year.
No first minimum payment.
But, at the same time, updates of the boxed versions will become paid. In this topic https://crm-onebox.com/ru/support/onebox-purchase-and-rates/3882-vopros-po-dalne... everything is described in detail.
If necessary, please contact our Sales Partners - they will help you to do everything:
08.12.2020, 12:21
Как со мной связаться - никак :)
Задавайте вопросы на форуме публично - и я отвечу.
Подробнее - https://1b.app/ru/user/11/
Original comment available on version: ru

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