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Update to Onebox OS

Good afternoon, there is a desire to update our box https://owwa.crm-onebox.com/ to onebox OS.
But, we have an active business, where from Mon. on Sat. 15 employees work in the system from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Tell me how it is possible to organize the update so that we have time to update access rights and other changes (we hope there will not be many of them) and at the same time we do not stop work, because these are client orders, shipments of which are more than 100 per day.
Is it possible to update the box by 19.00? or make an update on Sunday morning? Or is it worth organizing a transitional box? Perhaps there is a service that will help us soften the move for an additional fee?
Original question is available on version: ua


Good afternoon
I can offer an update at a time convenient for you, even on a day off in 2 hours.
I can also offer support services for the process of rights settings and training of a new interface by my specialists so that, in the event of an emergency, everything can be quickly fixed or reconfigured. The minimum number of hours in this service is 8 hours
19.01.2022, 16:24
Original comment available on version: ua

CEO, owwa.com.ua
Igor, good day!
We agree to update today from 19.00, if possible, you can issue an invoice.
19.01.2022, 17:36
Original comment available on version: ua

let's go tomorrow from 19:00
we will have time to prepare everything
Did you apply for an update?
19.01.2022, 18:26
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CEO, owwa.com.ua
Okay, let's go tomorrow from 19.00.
Yes, I submitted from the 20th to the 23rd.
19.01.2022, 18:44
Original comment available on version: ua

good evening
Your system is up to date.
20.01.2022, 21:18
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CEO, owwa.com.ua
Good evening, great - thank you!
20.01.2022, 21:27
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CEO, owwa.com.ua
Good morning, tell me, employees are not allowed in the box. At 12 midnight, the employee was allowed in, but this morning he writes the wrong login or password.
Employee example: https://owwa.crm-onebox.com/app/employer/446/permissions/
21.01.2022, 08:44
Original comment available on version: ua

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