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Transfer funds between users and donate on the forum (p2p transfers)

Dear users and partners!
On the forum, it became possible to pay directly within the topic within a specific comment. These are so-called donations or p2p transfers.
We have often been asked to make it possible to transfer funds between user balances.
How does it work?
Donations (p2p translation) can be made in any topic on any comment (only comments). Funds from your balance are transferred to the balance of the person who left this comment.
Along with the comment, it will be publicly shown who transferred and how much money.
How to use it?
Method 1: Users can simply thank someone for their help or sponsor a task.
Method 2. Users can pay for some feature. For example, a programmer-partner writes a comment "I can do it for $200". And 10 different users fall for this feature.
Method 3: You can pay for the service without paperwork and invoicing.
For example, you ask for some service, another user or partner says "will do it for $50". And instead of "send
Original question is available on version: ua «Один юрист із портфелем у руках награбує більше, ніж банда автоматників»


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