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Paid topics on the forum

Dear users and partners!
A new opportunity appeared on the OneBox forum - "paid theme".
At the time of creating the topic, the amount you specified will be withdrawn from your balance
When a question is resolved and you mark it as correct, the reserved funds will go to whoever resolved the question.
Important points that should be considered by both parties:
1. It is impossible to cancel the withdrawal of money or withdraw the question.
2. OneBox does not participate in this agreement in any way, does not regulate it and does not bear any responsibility to both parties. OneBox only transfers funds from the author to the recipient without interest or commissions, that is, it acts as a processing system.
3. Also, OneBox does not and will not participate in arbitration disputes: if you created a paid topic and then marked the issue as resolved, then the funds from your balance were transferred to the balance of the person whose comment you marked as correct. If it turns out
Original question is available on version: ua «Один юрист із портфелем у руках награбує більше, ніж банда автоматників»


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