When communicating on this forum, in the "Leave your comment" block, an unnecessary tag is constantly automatically pulled up, you have to constantly delete it https://prnt.sc/ugzqq6
Hello! When communicating on this forum, in the "Leave your comment" block, an unnecessary tag is constantly automatically pulled up, you have to constantly delete it https://prnt.sc/ugzqq6
Bodyako Dmitry Employee wrote: Hello. This is your email/login. They are always added to tags, this is done on purpose.
Understood. I just could not understand why the mail is broken into pieces when saving https://prnt.sc/uh0c4o
Bodyako Dmitry Employee wrote:
Hello. This is your email/login. They are always added to tags, this is done on purpose.
Understood. I just could not understand why the mail is broken into pieces when saving https://prnt.sc/uh0c4o
Bodyako Dmitry Employee wrote: on a point probably breaks
Maybe. It's just not very comfortable in the search, + unnecessary pages multiply
Bodyako Dmitry Employee wrote:
on a point probably breaks
Maybe. It's just not very comfortable in the search, + unnecessary pages multiply
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