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How to access the client box without eating licenses

I'm an integrator, but I can't enter the client's box
If I understood everything correctly, then I need to put a tick in the rights
To whom and where to write on this issue?
Original question is available on version: ru


Суханіцький Андрій OneBox CORP
OneBox Corp - Інтегратор
Personal license
You need to become a partner of the company, then this option is possible
26.09.2020, 19:26
Original comment available on version: ru

Куприян Владислав Валерьевич
Baza.cn.ua / Integrator (FOP Kupriyan)

Sukhanitsky Andrey Vladimirovich Employee wrote:
You need to become a partner of the company, then this option is possible

I'm like a partner :)
The contract was signed
On the page https://crm-onebox.com/ru/integrators/ posted
Please give me more details
26.09.2020, 22:59
Original comment available on version: ru

Your account is eating licenses because you don't have access to box.wp.
A few months ago, I gave the command to block your account there so that you would never again have the opportunity to swear with employees within box.wp, and everything happened publicly and transparently here on the forum.
The last straw was that you wrote hvosting'y a bunch of dirt on us, and Kostya called me and asked "what kind of client is this and why is he pouring shit on you." But the truth is that you are "like a partner", and even got boxing for free.
Therefore, dude, you are now banned in box.wp and I don’t see any reason to cancel my decision yet.
07.10.2020, 10:45
Как со мной связаться - никак :)
Задавайте вопросы на форуме публично - и я отвечу.
Подробнее - https://1b.app/ru/user/11/
Original comment available on version: ru

Куприян Владислав Валерьевич
Baza.cn.ua / Integrator (FOP Kupriyan)

Miroshnichenko Maxim Aleksandrovich CEO OneBox wrote:
A few months ago, I gave the command to block your account there so that you would never again have the opportunity to swear with employees within box.wp, and everything happened publicly and transparently here on the forum.

Can you provide the fact that I swore?

Miroshnichenko Maxim Aleksandrovich CEO OneBox wrote:
The last straw was that you wrote hvosting'y a bunch of dirt on us, and Kostya called me and asked "what kind of client is this and why is he pouring shit on you." But the truth is that you are "like a partner", and even got boxing for free.

And you are well-versed in information, and you know that it took me 3 months to solve the elementary task of unloading goods to the outlet (bug), while putting forward a new version of my problem every week, and that I had to ask the hosting staff 10 times to change my server settings (then they asked me to add 1 GB of RAM, then another 1, then a swap, then rebuild something, then clean it up) and that I screwed up tailing, because "yours" told me that there was a problem with the server and they had nothing to do with it and then all by some miracle decided without changing the server and parameters, and I spent a lot of time and nerves on this because someone could not admit that this was a bug (or could not prove it)
You know that there were a lot of similar tasks, before this task, that I was already stupidly tired of the level of illiteracy of the TP employees

Miroshnichenko Maxim Aleksandrovich CEO OneBox wrote:
But the truth is that you are "like a partner", and even got boxing for free.

Are you sure that it’s free (I received them on account of the RFP that Dima didn’t give me even partially)?

Miroshnichenko Maxim Aleksandrovich CEO OneBox wrote:
Therefore, dude, you are now banned in box.wp and I don’t see any reason to cancel my decision yet.

Let's somehow agree, I know how to admit my mistakes, show me what I'm wrong or made a mistake and continue to work together
07.10.2020, 12:49
Original comment available on version: ru

As I wrote above, I don't understand why I should unban you and give you partner access. I do not hold a grudge against you, I operate purely managerial:
1. as an integrator you do not bring clients and/or help existing clients who pay us for it.
2. you can run into partners and employees if it seems to you that someone is illiterate. From my point of view, hitting on any person for any reason (if he 100500 times fucked up) is guaranteed not to improve the situation.
3. you constantly post bugs on the forum, and also hint that you should be paid for it.
QUESTION: Why is OneBox'y such a partner? What direct material benefit does OneBox receive from you?
07.10.2020, 21:15
Как со мной связаться - никак :)
Задавайте вопросы на форуме публично - и я отвечу.
Подробнее - https://1b.app/ru/user/11/
Original comment available on version: ru

Куприян Владислав Валерьевич
Baza.cn.ua / Integrator (FOP Kupriyan)

Miroshnichenko Maxim Aleksandrovich CEO OneBox wrote:
As I wrote above, I don't understand why I should unban you and give you partner access. I do not hold you angry, I operate purely managerial: 1. as an integrator you don't bring clients and/or help existing clients who pay us for it.2. you can run into partners and employees if it seems to you that someone is illiterate. From my point of view, hitting any person for any reason (if he 100500 times fucked up) is guaranteed not to improve the situation.3. you constantly post bugs on the forum, and you also hint that you should be paid for it. QUESTION: why is OneBox such a partner? What direct material benefit does OneBox receive from you?

1. As an integrator, I didn’t work much, the only client in fact was the collar, and then I didn’t try to act as an integrator, I acted more as a person from the side of the collar, how much the collar paid the vanbox over the past year, you can see, I don’t know if this is normal the amount or not for the work of partners, you decide.
At the moment, I just started to think about becoming a partner and therefore began to collect information, because I saw real changes in the company for the better, with the old "scheme" of work, I did not see prospects and desire at all, so I did not strive to develop an integrator
2. I don’t run into, I just say directly and honestly what I think, maybe my harshness offends someone, but I didn’t have the thought of humiliating or insulting someone, the goal was one to solve the problem as soon as possible, but the TP employees worked according to such a system that it was not profitable for them and they often went to deception (it was that 3 times without checking I stupidly write, the problem is solved, I check, nothing works, then I screenshot and give a link, they take it stupidly and put the bug back)
3. I post bugs on the forum because I have them and the only tool for solving them is the form (and it is several times better than the mechanism that was before), and my own business suffers from bugs.
4. Regarding "you are also hinting that you should be paid for it", as for me it is logical, I spent the time describing the bug and received a reward for my work and it would be right that the one who made the mistake or his leader would pay for it, this normal practice and it would be a good incentive for the developer to write high-quality code
5. About "What direct financial benefit does OneBox get from you?" least:
5.1. You solve bugs, the product gets better, you get more customers
5.2. I write on the forum as a result you do not spend money on marketing :)
5.3. If I decide to be a full-fledged partner, then it is obvious that I will bring you new clients or improve the work of old ones, who, in turn, will buy additional licenses or improvements
In general, let's not pull the cat by the balabons and make a decision about my partnership, if you think that you don’t need such a partner, then write like that, what we / I thought and decided, and then remove me from the partner page, otherwise how it turns out it’s not clear what kind of partner it is, but in reality there are no full mechanisms of work
07.10.2020, 23:23
Original comment available on version: ru

5.1. You solve bugs, the product gets better, you get more customers
5.2. I write on the forum as a result you do not spend money on marketing :)
5.3. If I decide to be a full-fledged partner, then it is obvious that I will bring you new clients or improve the work of old ones, who, in turn, will buy additional licenses or improvements

5.1. yah? and how exactly does it work? Do you really think that by improving the product we will get more customers? Haha. Perhaps with Dima such a conviction will fail, but not with me.
5.2. Marketing spends money on correct answers, not questions.
Therefore, the more questions you ask, the more marketing will spend money on you.
Everything is exactly the opposite.
5.3. I will return your access if you become an integrator and really work with clients in accordance with all the rules. Until you do it - sorry, no.
Also, I am not interested in additional purchase of licenses and definitely not interested in improvements, this is not the main thing in this business. The main thing is to rent as many clients as possible, and for this I need as many integrators interested in clients as possible.
08.10.2020, 10:44
Как со мной связаться - никак :)
Задавайте вопросы на форуме публично - и я отвечу.
Подробнее - https://1b.app/ru/user/11/
Original comment available on version: ru

Куприян Владислав Валерьевич
Baza.cn.ua / Integrator (FOP Kupriyan)

Miroshnichenko Maxim Aleksandrovich CEO OneBox wrote:
5.1. yah? and how exactly does it work? Do you really think that by improving the product we will get more customers? Haha. Perhaps with Dima such a conviction will fail, but not with me.

This has been working for me all my "working" life, doing perfect work for 1-2 clients, getting a very loyal client as a gift, and so on, popularly called "word of mouth", when you are not looking for clients, but they are looking for you.
Time-tested method!

Miroshnichenko Maxim Aleksandrovich CEO OneBox wrote:
5.2. Marketing spends money on correct answers, not questions.
Therefore, the more questions you ask, the more marketing will spend money on you.
Everything is exactly the opposite.

Well, then I'm wrong, you kind of wrote earlier that the scheme is such that people will write on the site, this will increase the indexing of the site, as a result, the site will grow in the ranking and fall into that (perhaps it seemed to me so)

Miroshnichenko Maxim Aleksandrovich CEO OneBox wrote:
5.3. I will return your access if you become an integrator and really work with clients in accordance with all the rules.

Ok, agreed, let's access + the rules I will work according to the rules
08.10.2020, 17:01
Original comment available on version: ru

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