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Partners can write their announcements to all OneBox customers

Respectable partners!
You have the opportunity to publish your announcements on the OneBox forum in the category "News and announcements from OneBox partners"
Whatever you post there:
- on Tuesday morning will be sent as an email campaign to the entire OneBox audience (30,000 subscribers)
- will be broadcast to all our communication channels: telegram, facebook, instagram, twitter at once (to the day).
There will be a note that this is an "announcement from a partner", there will be the name of your company.
Next Tuesday will be the first mailing.
This mechanism allows partners to write their content and deliver it to the entire OneBox audience. I see value in this. You can write your news, clearly advertise your services, recommend something.
(There is moderation, but it is formal so as not to get into spam.)
Original question is available on version: ru Как со мной связаться - никак :)
Задавайте вопросы на форуме публично - и я отвечу.
Подробнее - https://1b.app/ru/user/11/


Small note:
try to create very specific offers, for example, "We'll help you set up CashFlow" or "I'll automate business processes for a service center."
Abstract topics like "we are a young team and doing something important, call us" will NOT be broadcast in the channels of communication with clients, because they simply do not carry value.
12.07.2021, 20:59
Как со мной связаться - никак :)
Задавайте вопросы на форуме публично - и я отвечу.
Подробнее - https://1b.app/ru/user/11/
Original comment available on version: ru

A good tool for promoting partners!
30.10.2021, 12:29
«Один юрист із портфелем у руках награбує більше, ніж банда автоматників» Original comment available on version: ru

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