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Incorrectly showing the input price of the product in the sales BP


Chirkov Maxim
Tzov Ekomora wrote:
Є zamovlennya sale de currency to the dollar process https://ekomora.ua/admin/customorder/broker-ua/142544/edit/ at the input price win the sum at the hryvnia exchange rate I want to logically draw little for such a formula [orderproduct_pricebase]/[order_rate ] .

Hello, I don’t quite understand by what logic the process currency rate should appear in the list of warehouse operations. The rate there is fixed at the time of the warehouse operation and is not tied to anything else.
08.04.2021, 18:17
Original comment available on version: ru

Тзов Екомора
Personal license
Dobry, well, then the nesting in the BP is worth the hryvnia like the dollar in one process, but in the other process the hryvnia is all right (correctly converting the hryvnia to the dollar) in the name two butts of the money. I can’t figure out the input price of the product.
08.04.2021, 18:37
macik9157@gmail.com Original comment available on version: ru

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