Link copied -

It is necessary to display the goods as they are in real warehouses


Good afternoon, according to this description, unfortunately it is not clear where exactly and what exactly you want to see. Please throw off the link, and show it - it now shows XXX because it takes it from suppliers, sums up these numbers and displays it here. And I want me to take these numbers here and display them here. Thank you.
05.10.2020, 10:05
Original comment available on version: ru

At the same time, all goods are displayed on the site as they are in the presence in stores and as a supplier (as they are loaded)
It was necessary to grow these goods in real warehouses. І possibility to select balances by warehouses: 1. Location, warehouse1, location warehouse2 and so on, + goods according to the order (which are loaded)
The choice icon is guilty buti bіla logo
butt yak at https://comfy.ua/
05.10.2020, 12:09
Original comment available on version: ru

A product is considered in stock when it has the "In Stock" checkbox on the product card. This checkbox is set based on recalculation of prices and availability. He looks at the availability of the product in stock and at the supplier. If at least somewhere there, puts in stock. If it's not available anywhere, it's out of stock. I understand correctly that you want the "In stock" checkbox to be checked in all products only if it is in stock?
05.10.2020, 12:25
Original comment available on version: ru

https://rovo.org.ua/avto-pilososi/ i.e. here below between "Out of stock" and "Search" insert a new filter Availability in warehouses with options:
In the Misto warehouse, warehouse 1 (are these the names of your warehouses?)
In stock Misto warehouse2
Goods under the order (which is in stock, but it is not in any warehouse?)
did I understand you correctly?
05.10.2020, 13:26
Original comment available on version: ru

yes right
І sche Button "In all warehouses" Vaughn is the main
Ale rozmіschuvat better bіl logotipa so privichnі
butt https://allo.ua/ru/kryl-ja-k-velosipedam/
and others
05.10.2020, 16:35
Original comment available on version: ru

As for At all warehouses, I understood, okay. If enabled, we show products that are in at least one warehouse.
I don’t understand about placing near the logo, this is a filter - they should be on the filtering panel.
https://allo.ua/ru/kryl-ja-k-velosipedam/ and here near the logo there is only a choice of the city - but I don’t know exactly what it affects, it’s unlikely to be available (most of them order delivery)
05.10.2020, 16:39
Original comment available on version: ru

I do not understand how. City output there? Okay, they brought the city out - what is the meaning of this? I chose "Brovary", what should be changed on the site after choosing Brovary? What is the difference between Brovary and Chernihiv when choosing?
Those. you don’t give me TK, I still don’t understand what you want in the end, except for the description “this is how I want it here, can I?”
05.10.2020, 21:44
Original comment available on version: ru

Bodyako Dmitry Employee wrote:
As for At all warehouses, I understood, okay. If you turn it on, we show the goods that are in at least one warehouse. I don’t understand about placing near the logo, this is a filter - they should be on the filter panel. https://allo.ua/ru/kryl-ja-k-velosipedam/ and here near the logo there is only a choice of the city - but I don’t know exactly what it affects, it’s unlikely to be available (most of them order delivery)

This filter is based on stock balances. (most of our customers ask for the opportunity to look at the goods like in real stores (wondering-coming-taking))
Vizh popedn wrote scho understood?
And to know the beast is so clear to the koristuvachs.
This filter is based on stock balances.
Show Active warehouses (as specified in the bottom row "Set the availability in the warehouse for the specified warehouses
two more fields are also displayed 1, "balance in all warehouses" (Which is the main one when viewing the site)
2, "Pidzamovlennya"
Wines are displayed in the main and in the mobile version of the site,
06.10.2020, 09:35
Original comment available on version: ru

Ok, but I don't like the logic of placing these filters somewhere on top near the logos. It will take about 7 hours to make such a thing in the filtering panel. Will work for mobile and pc version.
06.10.2020, 09:46
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06.10.2020, 12:45
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Yes I see. Only it is ten times more difficult. We will have to rewrite all the pages that are at least somehow connected with the presence, remnants, and so on. I gave you the easiest and fastest option.
06.10.2020, 13:31
Original comment available on version: ru

Block site and retail where should I put the filter?
It is necessary for the beast to beat the brand.
06.10.2020, 14:38
Original comment available on version: ru

The site is blocky. But this is a filter and it should be in the filter block. If you take it somewhere separately, it will look very strange. For example:
https://prnt.sc/uu1v4u imagine what your options are here, namely:
My store: All stores
My shop: Pіdzamovlennya
I think it's at least weird
06.10.2020, 14:54
Original comment available on version: ru

Believe it or not.
Since we have real stores, then the filter of the balance in stores is required by our customers.
06.10.2020, 17:06
Original comment available on version: ru

next to the logo we do:
selection of warehouses from existing+On order+All warehouses. When choosing, the box remembers the choice and in the product lists ALWAYS filters the availability of goods in the selected warehouse or only goods that are in stock from the supplier (If on order). I emphasize that it will filter only where there is a filtering block on the page.
This revision will take 8 hours.
If there are any additions to the TK, please write. If not, let us know and we will send you an invoice.
06.10.2020, 17:31
Original comment available on version: ru

Well, it’s like that in the skin card with the goods, according to the acknowledgment of the responsibility, but the warehouse for those goods and the order, as the supplier
07.10.2020, 09:30
Original comment available on version: ru

https://prnt.sc/uuknva like this? It will take 4 hours to show this in the product card.
07.10.2020, 10:51
Original comment available on version: ru

principle of info. Already on the side
In admin access
It's only the fault of the booty pіd "NAVNIST"
і vіdobrazhaє іlkі warehouses і pіd zamovlenya (Zamіs supplierіv)
09.10.2020, 12:15
Original comment available on version: ru

Bodyako Dmitry
Employee wrote:
well.Total: near the logo we do: selection of warehouses from existing + Under the order + All warehouses. When choosing, the box remembers the choice and in the product lists ALWAYS filters the availability of goods in the selected warehouse or only goods that are in stock from the supplier (If on order). I emphasize that it will filter only where there is a filtering block on the page. Such a refinement will take 8 hours. If there are any additions to the specification, please write. If not, let us know and we will send you an invoice.

described here 8h

Buchkovsky Rostislav Vasilievich
Client wrote:
Well, it’s like that in the skin card with the goods pіd nayavnіstyu blame buti warehousing for some є goods and pіd zamovlennya є in the supplierPrikladhttps://www.nl.ua/ru/instrumenty/oborudovanie_dlya_vody/motopompy/motopompa-benz...

described here 4h
09.10.2020, 12:16
Original comment available on version: ru

Ready to pay for everything 8 g
Get a discount I constantly order dorobki
09.10.2020, 13:29
Original comment available on version: ru

If you do it together, you can do it in 10. Will it suit you?
09.10.2020, 13:47
Original comment available on version: ru

є two clarifications I can display how the remaining balances are shown on the loan?, and in the client it will be possible to select a quantity of warehouses?
Yes, I put on payment
04.11.2020, 17:53
Original comment available on version: ru

1. Yes, you can do
2. This is not a clarification, this is an addition to the specification. Takes extra +1h
04.11.2020, 17:58
Original comment available on version: ru

Bodyako Dmitry
Employee wrote:
1. Yes, you can do
2. This is not a clarification, this is an addition to the specification. Takes extra +1h

Insert account for payment
09.11.2020, 10:19
Original comment available on version: ru

For what hour do you implement? Yesterday I paid.
11.11.2020, 09:06
Original comment available on version: ru

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