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problem with the Model range (series, collection) value in the XML upload file

our crm - crm.smartid.com.ua
The value in the Model range (series, collection) field is indicated in the product for grouping, which further affects the value in the group_id="****" parameter (when generating the product unloading file in XML format), but there are cases when, with different field values in the product card in the file itself, the values are generated the same for different product groups.
In any of the XML files see
two products 30632 and 70858 should be assembled with each other like the following products 30055, 30056, 30057 https://prnt.sc/ZRgi5N4grQ1m, 30058 [file]16922[ /file]
But in the file, they have the same group_id for all of the above products, which prevents them from correctly gathering into the desired groups of varieties for Prom (and not only)
I show on the example of one of the products of each group 70858 https://prnt.sc/R4WUur23XexK, 30057
In Automation when generating a file, the f
Original question is available on version: ru


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30632 and 70858
30057 https://prnt.sc/ZRgi5N4grQ1m, 30058
15.08.2022, 20:48
Original comment available on version: ru

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