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pick up goods from the warehouse

- vіdvantazhennya goods zі warehouse vartіstyu 150 UAH https://prnt.sc/ujc5xk
- https://prnt.sc/ujc8ut
- https://prnt.sc/ujcadg
- at the result https://prnt.sc/ujcbqf implementation at the input price....
- finance https://prnt.sc/ujcj32
let's clarify, please, what is the function, what is the idea ... what am I doing wrong ??, what is the correct understanding?
Original question is available on version: ru


Hello, you can see the amount of the process in the process itself. In warehouses, you can simply see the sum of the purchase prices of these goods. Those. there you will not see any extra charges and other things (the warehouse does not understand why you sold in the end)
18.09.2020, 10:27
Original comment available on version: ru

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