it is not necessary to blame the procedure.
Describing more yak povino shield
3/4 of what has already been described is already implemented
DIA №1
(Fill in an additional field based on additional fields and reference data)
https://crm-onebox.com/en/ajax/download/4858/-- yak vityaguє data from the reference book in the add. field
DIA №2
(Calculate and write value to additional field if conditions are met)
-- Yaka pіdrakhovuє danny kіlkostі goodsіv i add. watering
DIA №3
("Add process products to/from lookup(s)")
https://crm-onebox.com/en/ajax/download/4857/-- how to add data to the directory
Ale vona їх adding є pіlya prohldzhennya all sієї tablesі tovarіv і danі tіlki on the remaining product will be recorded in the directory
No. 4 CІ DІЇ it is necessary to group into one in such a sequence and spratsvuvat may WHEN PASSING THE LEATHER GOODS in order