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Personal account, evaluate the revision (removal of the process)

It is necessary to evaluate the functionality, can we make it possible to massively delete processes in the personal account?
Or against each process, so that there is a "trash" by clicking on which the system would ask if you really want to delete the process
or a panel of mass operations as in the admin panel?
by selecting the checkboxes, a panel appears on the right and there the ability to delete processes. How many hours can it take?
Original question is available on version: ru


It will take 2 hours to add "garbage" as a setting to the process list block. When deleting, access rights will be checked, i.e. if there is no right to delete the process, it will throw an error.
10.11.2020, 16:24
Original comment available on version: ru

and if the client is the author, can you make access to delete?
10.11.2020, 17:11
Original comment available on version: ru

Client initially with access level = 1 (Client)? Or will there be employees there too?
10.11.2020, 17:14
Original comment available on version: ru

no, client. He created and he needs to delete
10.11.2020, 17:49
Original comment available on version: ru

Ok, then just as a setting in the block. 2h
10.11.2020, 17:52
Original comment available on version: ru

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