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Disappeared processes

Good afternoon!
Disappeared all previously created processes here:
Also, new processes are not created, the creation of which is provided for at the order stage ("Create subtask" action) here:
On 01/13/22, more than 200 orders moved to the stage, but the subtask was not created for any process.
What could be the problem?
Original question is available on version: ru


Will there be an answer to this question?
19.01.2022, 19:13
Original comment available on version: ru

Good afternoon. I found one of the processes that you had there https://crm.hotsalon.com.ua/admin/customorder/order/35963/edit/ it was deleted by an employee https://crm.hotsalon.com.ua/admin/shop /users/4/ . How it was done and why you can ask him.
20.01.2022, 16:27
Original comment available on version: ru

Father Frost
OneBox production wrote:
Good afternoon. I found one of the processes that you had there https://crm.hotsalon.com.ua/admin/customorder/order/35963/edit/ it was deleted by an employee https://crm.hotsalon.com.ua/admin/shop /users/4/ . How it was done and why you can ask him.

This employee is me.
And this process was removed as a test.
It was created for the test of working out the action at the stage:
namely the action "Change the business process and stage depending on the values of the fields" (see screenshot).
And there are many such remote processes, as a result of an action that cuts off certain groups of clients, here ...
https://crm.hotsalon.com.ua/admin/customorder/lead/?fromfiltercustomdatadostavki... ]=160&statusid[1]=161&statusid[2]=167&statusid[3]=168&statusid[4]=170&statusid[5]=176&statusid[6]=169&filtersupplier=&filterdeletedid=system&filtershowprocess=&ok=1&searchLine=
A question - where other created, but not remote processes got to???
20.01.2022, 17:08
Original comment available on version: ru

I understand that there will be no answer
Please close as unresolved!
29.01.2022, 18:45
Original comment available on version: ru

Elena, you removed this process from /admin/customorder/lead/ . Most likely, other processes got into remote ones when you mass-transferred them to the specified stage. I took the first process that came across that was in the specified status, the rest have the same situation - they are marked as deleted. You also have 1789 remote order in the system. https://crm.hotsalon.com.ua/admin/customorder/lead/?filterdeletedid=all&filt... &workflowid[0]=21&statusid[0]=160&statusid[1]=161&statusid[2]=167&statusid[3]=168&statusid[4]=170&statusid[5]=176&statusid[6]=169&filterauthorid=&filterproject=&filterproductname=&filterproductid=&filtercode1c= &filterdatetofrom=&filterdatetoto=&filterdateplanfrom=&filterdateplanto=&filtertags=&filterorderemployerid=&filteremployerid[0]=&filterutm=&ok=1&searchLine= this is how you can see their list (I gave you the filter by deleted orders very first) and restore mistakenly deleted processes.
01.02.2022, 12:48
Original comment available on version: ru

Father Frost
OneBox production wrote:
Elena, you removed this process from /admin/customorder/lead/ . Most likely, other processes got into remote ones when you mass-transferred them to the specified stage. I took the first process that came across that was in the specified status, the rest have the same situation - they are marked as deleted. You also have 1789 remote order in the system. https://crm.hotsalon.com.ua/admin/customorder/lead/?filterdeletedid=all&filt... &workflowid[0]=21&statusid[0]=160&statusid[1]=161&statusid[2]=167&statusid[3]=168&statusid[4]=170&statusid[5]=176&statusid[6]=169&filterauthorid=&filterproject=&filterproductname=&filterproductid=&filtercode1c= &filterdatetofrom=&filterdatetoto=&filterdateplanfrom=&filterdateplanto=&filtertags=&filterorderemployerid=&filteremployerid[0]=&filterutm=&ok=1&searchLine= this is how you can see their list (I gave you the filter by deleted orders very first) and restore mistakenly deleted processes.

Unfortunately, these processes were deleted at different times (this can be tracked by the date of the last transition to the "Cancel" stage). After switching to the stage at which the action "Change business process and stage depending on field values" is set (see screenshot), the values of the fields at this stage that do not need to be taken into account are indicated separated by commas. Previously, this setting apparently worked, as all processes successfully switched from stage to stage. After a certain time, update or change, the specified setting stopped working, so all processes went to the "Cancel" stage and were deleted.
That's why all the processes disappeared! There was no mass transfer to the stage!!! And erroneously, as you write, no one deleted anything.
These processes stood on the machine for six months and everything worked fine !!! Exactly until November 14, 2021 - when they all, after moving to a certain stage, began to go into cancellation (
Maybe I'm wrong - then please, as developers, figure out what the problem really was and give an answer.
Otherwise, please close as unresolved.
01.02.2022, 21:42
Original comment available on version: ru

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