The problem is that in those orders (where the data for TTN is not normally filled during import), the procedure with the actions of calculating the overlay does not work.
Check out my links. When saving, the "Payment Control" field should be filled in, the desired action is based on the procedure that works with each editing, I described this in the first post.
In orders where the data was filled in correctly, i.e. the city and department registered in their fields, the field is filled. If you try to erase it and save it, it will fill up again (as it should). Here is an example of a normal order orders where the address is not parsed to the city and the branch, the miscalculation does not work. Here is an example of such an order addresses for TTN are filled in automatically, at least we did not configure this separately. I suspect this happens when you import orders. The parser parses the address into a city and a branch, and in the case of pick-up and drop-off points (this is not really a branch), the breakdown does not occur (perhaps there are not enough regulars). To create the TTN itself, this is not important, TTNs are normally created anyway, but the BP procedures do not work and this is very bad.
How is it related. I can only assume that this is due to the fact that the full address is indicated in the city field in the new mail settings. The field of the city is a drop-down list with cities and such a city as, for example, "Gornostaipol, Pick-up and drop-off point (up to 30 kg): Chernobylskaya st., 16g", is not there. Due to the fact that a value is written in the field that does not correspond to any of the values in the drop-down list, an error is thrown and it also prevents the next actions in turn from working. But these are only assumptions.
As I wrote above, if you enter the city and department normally in the order (select from the list), the calculation starts to work, i.e. the reason is precisely that the full address is specified in the city field.